Monday, June 13, 2016

Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania fundraiser

In 2000-2001, I was a newly graduate from college busy seeking a career.  I began my writing career on a variety of web sites and doing everything I could to be productive. I saw a tiny advertisement about the Ms. Wheelchair America program, and I read more about it.  It was exciting to see a competition like this for women with disabilities.

I immediately contacted the Pennsylvania organization, and I was thrilled when I learned how close by they were .  They were also looking for applications to compete. I eagerly worked on the application, had my head shots and wrote my essay.  I felt excited and empowered.

The pageant was very elegant and enjoyable.  To my surprise, I won the title! I set off embarking on disability presentations all over Pennsylvania and had an unforgettable year. 

In 2018, The Ms. Wheelchair America program would like to come to Erie, Pennsylvania.  But it needs money to make that happen, a lot of money. With your purchase of a tshirt, you'll be empowering women to do incredible and unforgettable things.

This world is a crazy place but love, humanity and charity makes it a peaceful place.  Please consider purchasing a tshirt and helping women with disabilities.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS

The gunman who shot and killed 50 people in Florida called 911 and pledged allegiance to ISIS. His name is Omar Mateen and he was 29 years old.  He focused on a gay night club  at 2am. 

Flyers and Philadelphia PowerPlay power chair hockey at its finest this Friday

Philadelphia PowerPlay is a hockey team for individuals who use power wheelchairs. Power chair hockey is a competive sport, and the Philadelphia area is lucky to have a team in this area. 

On July 8-July 11, the power chair hockey tournament will be held at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Teams from the US and Canada will be competing to win the Power Cup.

On Friday, June 17, at Neumann University the Flyers staff and alumni will be playing against the Philadelphia PowerPlay as a kick off celebration for the upcoming Power Cup competition! People are welcome to join and celebrate.

Shooting in Orlando, Florida

I was sickened at the news this morning on my phone.  Fifty people killed and dozens more injured at a gay night club in Orlando, Florida. The killer seemingly beat his ex wife in the past and have made comments about not liking people who are homosexual. He decided to kill people he didn't know. 

Many are saying we need gun control, blaming it on Christians, blaming it on ISIS, blaming it on government and the list goes on. I say blame the person that killed these people.  He made the decision to kill fifty people, and intended to kill more because they are homosexual.

More gun control is ridiculous. Our country has very strict laws already.  I know people who have guns and no intention of killing anyone.  More gun control won't help someone murderous intentions.  Any more gun control will lead to racial profiling and that never goes well.

Christians had nothing to do with this.  Most Christians are appalled by murder of anyone. Very few religions would like killing people, and they aren't really Christians.

Our country has a difficult time blaming the right source.  The killer was a 29 year old guy that used to beat his wife and hates homosexuals.  Now we can all waste many hours and blame everyone else but the killer is dead. ISIS is happily taking responsibility but it's not certain if it's directly involved.  ISIS takes responsibility for anything with killing mass people. That's radical Islam at its best. 

How can we prevent it? Well, I'm sure if more people had guns at the night club, fifty people wouldn't be dead now. Respecting all human life. Our society is pretty hypocritical.  Pro choicers claim to be for women yet advocate killing unborn girls is okay.  We say don't kill but believe in the death penalty, assisted suicide, killing disabled babies, killing elderly, killing babies as old as 40 weeks in the womb etc.

Our country needs to get it together and stop being hypocrites.  If we believe all human life is value, lets stand together. If not. our nation looks ridiculous bunch of hypocrites. One life isn't any more important than the other.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Great American Pub in Phoenixville

For Father's Day, I took my husband to the restaurant, Great American Pub, in Phoenixville. I use a motorized wheelchair and also have a seven year old and one year old. When we called to make reservations, the lady was very nice. She said that they don't always take reservations unless you have six in a party, but took it considering our specific party.

When we went, we went to the ramp area to the left of the building.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Curb cuts

While walking around Phoenixville in my motorized wheelchair, I feel frustrated! I can't tell you how many times there is a curb cut on one side of the sidewalk but not the other. This forces me to drive my wheelchair into the street. I don't understand why towns do this.

If someone is walking in the wheelchair, they need to get to the other side. (Sounds like a joke.) When I'm walking with my children, I'm either forced to take them into the street or have them walk alone on the sidewalk. This is not a good choice to have. 

I'm hoping towns fix these curbs and create curb cuts so walking around town can be safe and accessible to all.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Red Robbin in Collegeville

Hamburgers, milkshakes, endless fries and more! Red Robbin is a very nice restaurant to meet the needs of families, couples and singles.

I like a good juicy burger. Anything too big is hard for me to eat especially with needing fed. Today I got the Red Robin double and it was great. The sauce was so tasty that I didn't need ketsup.  That says a lot because I do not like dry burgers.  My one year old son loved it as well. He couldn't get enough.

The Red Robbin was spacious and clean. The staff treated me with respect and spoke to me and not my attendant. I had a 7 year old and 10 year old with me who ate everything. They are both picky eaters.

I'd recommend them.  Please visit my site again for any  offers!Red Robbin